061-591097/98 | info@libertymlife.com.np | Newroad Complex , Newroad | Pokhara Metropolitan City | Ward no 8 | Kaski


The Surakshit Bal Bhavishya Yojana plan is designed to secure the future of children. This plan provides financial protection and support, ensuring children are taken care of even if something happens to their parents or guardians. This plan is helpful for families who want to ensure their children’s education, securing their child’s future needs with peace of mind.

Plan Features: Criteria

Minimum Sum Assured


Maximum Sum Assured


Minimum Policy Term

8 Yrs

Maximum Policy Term

25 Yrs

Minimum Child Entry Age

1 Month

Maximum Child Entry Age

17 Yrs

Minimum Proposer Entry Age

18 Yrs

Maximum Proposer Entry Age

55 Yrs

Maximum Child Maturity Age

25 Yrs

Maximum Proposer Maturity Age

75 Yrs

Premium Payment Frequency

Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly

Death of Child Before Risk Commencement Date: All the premiums paid up to the date of death will be paid to the proposer (Excluding Any Rider Premium). The policy terminates after the payment of death benefit. Death of Child After Risk Commencement Date: The higher of 25% of the Sum Assured or Premiums paid up to the date of death (Excluding Rider Premium) if any plus accrued guaranteed additions will be paid to the proposer. The policy terminates after the payment of death benefit. Death of Proposer During the Policy Term: During the policy term if the proposer dies and child (life assured) is alive then the following benefits shall be payable.
  • All the future premium of child will be waived.
  • 1.5% of Sum Assured will be paid from the immediate anniversary starting from the following month of death of proposer till the end of the policy term or death of child whichever is earlier.
Death of child (life assured) after death of proposer during the policy term: During the policy term if the child (life assured) dies after the proposer death then benefits illustrated under (i) or (ii) depending on Risk Commencement Date will be payable to the nominee. Both child (life assured) and proposer dies simultaneously:
  • 100% of Sum Assured.
Benefits on child as stated under (i) or (ii) depending of Risk Commencement Date.

Maturity Benefits

On the survival of child to the end of the policy term, Sum assured plus accrued guaranteed additions will be payable. The policy terminates upon payment of maturity benefits.


Survival Benefits

The policy can be surrendered after paying & completing 3 full years premiums. The surrender value will be calculated as per Nepal Beema Pradhikaran guidelines.

*Policyholder can avail up to 90% of Surrender Value as policy loan on interest as per decided by company