061-591097/98 | info@libertymlife.com.np | Newroad Complex , Newroad | Pokhara Metropolitan City | Ward no 8 | Kaski

Samriddhi Kawach Micro Term Life

Liberty Micro Life Insurance Plan is a Non-linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Term Insurance plan, which offers protection benefits to the life assured. It is offered to the individual lives who takes loans from the banks, finance companies and self-help groups, credit societies etc. It can be offered to the individual life who did not have formal life insurance cover.

Plan Features: Criteria

Minimum Sum Assured 25000.00
Maximum Sum Assured 500000.00
Minimum Policy Term 1 Yrs
Maximum Policy Term 15 Yrs
Minimum Entry Age 18 Yrs
Maximum Entry Age 60 Yrs
Maximum Maturity Age 65 Yrs
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, HalfYearly
Providing extensive protection at a minimal premium.
The insurance tenure can range from 1 to 15 years, depending on your requirements.
You can add extra riders by paying a slightly increased premium.
The accident disability rider can provide coverage for the condition of disability resulting from an accident.
You can conveniently and quickly purchase insurance and receive claim settlements through online channels.

Death Benefits

On death of the life assured during the policy term, the Sum Assured will be payable to the nominees/legal heirs of the life assured. The policy terminates upon such payments.

With or without profits: Without Profits

Maturity Benefits

No survival or maturity benefits are payable under this plan.

Other Details

No Paid-up value or Surrender value applicable

Policy Loan Provisions: Not Applicable

Bonus: Not Applicable