061-591097/98 | info@libertymlife.com.np | Newroad Complex , Newroad | Pokhara Metropolitan City | Ward no 8 | Kaski


    This product is offered to affinity groups, where a group can exist for a particular purpose like members of a co-operative credit society, members of NGOs, self-help group, loanee members of the microfinance organizations, non-employee-employer organizations, etc. One Master Policy will be issued to the Nodal Agency where all the members are covered under the policy.  


Benefit TypeDetails
Death BenefitsOn death of the life assured (member of the group scheme) during the policy term, the sum assured is payable to the master policy holder who, in turn, pays the benefit amount to the nominee/beneficiary.
Maturity BenefitsNot Applicable


Contact Us

Newroad Complex, Newroad, Pokhara Metropolitan City, Ward no 8, Kaski 061-591097/98 info@libertymlife.com.np